Finished Objects Petty Harbour Socks Twists and turns Nordiska WIPs Spotty Socks Spot Junior Classic Ribbed Hat The yarn that Hailey gave me is Nike

Italian Knitting Podcast
Finished Objects Petty Harbour Socks Twists and turns Nordiska WIPs Spotty Socks Spot Junior Classic Ribbed Hat The yarn that Hailey gave me is Nike
Hi and welcome! here you can find all the notes relative to the 8th episode of Knitting in Italy, in order of appearance. Sorry for my bad voice but I had a very sore throat… … Continua a leggere Knitting in Italy – 8
Here is a list of patterns mentioned in this last episode of Knitting in Italy: Sophie Scarf Orkland Sokker Ranger Cardigan – I’m knitting it in Gilliatt by De Rerum Natura Nordiska – I’m knitting … Continua a leggere Knitting in Italy – 7
My FO & WIPS Shawlography – made with yarn from stash and from Dark Omen Yarn Fern and Feather Vintersol AGD 02 Balaclava Graphic Knits Some new yarn I went to Lanae Tricot in Grenoble, i bought two skeins … Continua a leggere Ep 5 – Knitting in Italy
For this episode, I’m coming to you from Valle dei Mocheni, a secluded valley in Trentino Alto Adige where I attended a knitting and sour-dough bread making retreat with Wooldone and Mas del Saro on … Continua a leggere Ep 4 – Knitting in Italy